Connecting you to the right healthcare expert
iHCP connects clients with vetted healthcare experts from our global professional network. Through our automated platform, we make it simple and cost-efficient while making sure you select the right expert for your project.
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Why iHCP?
We are 100% dedicated to healthcare and our experts have been carefully vetted.
100% digitized: our platform is available for use 24/7, you can connect directly to experts that fit your needs, without the presence of a gatekeeper.
Thanks to complete automation, our service is significantly less costly than other partners you may have used.
Ensures complete anonymity for all parties in double-blinded interviews.
How it works
Project Management View
See all completed and upcoming projects and interviews in one place
Select Profiles that Meet Your Needs
Use our general screeners as a first step to expert selection;
adjust to fit your project-specific criteria
Schedule and Complete Interviews
Access the experts' calendars and find a time that works for you;
use our integrated teleconference platform or your own
Get transcription and follow-up if Necessary
Option to get the call transcription and follow-up directly with experts after interview completion
Project types

Qualitative Interviews

Communicate directly with experts whose profile meet your needs to schedule 1-1 interviews based on your availability

Quantitative Surveys

Leverage our platform to create surveys and send them directly to experts; we can then share the raw data and a summary of key outputs

Multi-Expert Focus Groups

Interview multiple experts in one session using our platform - whether it's a dyad, a focus group or an advisory board

Ad-hoc Inquiries

Have a quick question and need an expert's feedback asap? Our platform ensures direct connection is made between you and experts; you can send short questions and get a response back in just a few hours